Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Oh, Peace Corps....

I guess one of the best things about my "job" is that you never know what the day is going to bring. Yesterday morning I woke up wondering what in the hell I was going to do with myself for the next 12-14 hours before I was back in bed. Little did I know.

I happened across a group of people that called themselves (roughly translated)the 'Organization for Saving the Animals of Puntarenas.' Apparently their main project is castrating pets and strays at a massive discount for marginal barrios. I'd heard of these campaigns before, and there are many people who think efforts should be focused on people before animals, but as I wake nearly nightly to the sounds of mangy, half-starved canines viciously tearing one another apart, the idea pro-people project.

The doctors volunteer their time as do their assistants. Many of the volunteers are from the local University as every student is required to complete 30 hours of community service to earn their degree. I think this is great! So, I stop at the booth and ask for some info about the group and the minute I mention that "I am a volunteer for....¨" I am whisked away to help out. I don't have anything better to do so I play along. I end up in the 'operating room' which consists of a folding table in what seems to have been someones office just hours before. When I go in, a small cat is sprawled out and tied to the table while the doctor performs the opperation. I am introduced all around with the expectation that I learn to assist the opperation. Boy Howdy! So, I hang out, watching the opperation, chuckling to myself about the turn my day has taken. I watch a cat get her tubes tied and a dog get clipped. The doctor was working on the second cat when I passed out.

Yup... I must have turned green or started to swoon or something, cuz the last thing I remember the doctor's eyes got really big and he was saying "Aye! Ella, Ella!" and people literally got up from the operating table to take me out of the room. I fell to one knee trying to get out of the room, but managed to make it to a little couch in the next room dragging my shredded dignity behind me. At least I keep telling myself there were shreds left. So, I guess there is no future for me in Veterinary Medicine. Sorry Dara.

So that was Day 2.


Anonymous said...

I guess I couldn't say how I'd handle that either. But I think that is SOOO funny that you kissed the floor.
Tee Hee!
Love Dee

Anonymous said...

Dear Kel, A little peice of advise, when you take your son into the Dr. office with a broken arm and the Doc says "Mom, are you ready for this, or would you prefer to leave the room?" take my advise, leave the room. Watching Doc set your 7 year olds arm is not for the "faint" of heart/ Thank God I was standing directly in front of a chair.
Love, Godmother

Anonymous said...

That's my girl!!! bless you for trying!


Anonymous said...

Missed the last 3 of your journals and just got caught up. You have such an incredible outlook on your life and I am so proud of you!!Who would think to pretend to pass out so that you could check for hidden microphones in the floors?? Just can't kid a kidder!. Thanks for the pictures. You look terrific!!
Ron opened his restaurant last Friday and I wisely went to Vegas to see a friend on Thursday. He made more money than I did.
Luvya....Aunt Cathy & Uncle Ron (AC&UR)